Friday, March 4, 2011

The Most Interesting Man in the World

Timmy Gambin - "The Most Interesting Man in the World"

From the start we all loved Timmy. Tyler said "from the moment I laid eyes on him I knew he was amazing." We have all continued to be amazed by this incredible man. From his seemingly endless knowledge to his striking resemblance to "the most interesting man in the world" in the Dos Equis commercials often seen in CA, Timmy Gambin may actually BE the most interesting man in the world.

Today we went to the hardware store a few blocks up from the street we are staying on, Howard's Hardware Shop looking for more plug converters (we have been battling over the handful we have - we are trying to avoid resorting to violence), an extension cord (sometimes 20 meters isn't enough), a surge protector (we blew up the one we brought from the US - our power learning curve has been slow), a large trashcan (to help test the depth sensors for the ROV), a hair dryer (apparently it is more expensive to buy a transformer than a new hairdryer), and an exacto knife (to avoid toxic fumes from melting apoxy).

It was at this hardware store we discovered Timmy's expansive amazingness - the two men in the hardware store both knew him well. An even more amazing discovery: one of the men in the hardware store was the original author of the first paper published about the cave we will be exploring next week. Timmy really must be incredible to have these connections everywhere we go.

It didn't take long for the complements to start:
"Timmy created Chuck Norris jokes for the attention to be takin off of him"
"Timmy doesn't need a bow-flex, so he gave it to Chuck Norris"
"Timmy touched me today and my spider bite was instantly healed - he is that amazing"
"Timmy doesn't need to do laundry - he just blows on his clothes and they are instantly sterile"
"Timmy doesn't need to trim his perfect beard because he efficiently re-directs the proteins to other parts of himself"
"Timmy knows everything"
"Timmy didn't just write down history - he IS history"

As you can see, we are very impressed with our archeological and spiritual guide here in Malta. He has been wonderfully accommodating, providing guidance, history, and insight into the culture of Malta. We are looking forward to spending more time with him over the course of the next 3 weeks. We love you Timmy!


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